P38 Serial Numbers Spreewerke
More than 1,200,000 Walther P38 pistols were made between 1940 and 1945. The serial number is often only 4 digits and is separate from the date.
(71 items)This near-mint pistol waltzed out of the woodwork into my eager hands several years ago. Ck2 family tree. All matching serial numbers, the holster is also dated 1945. Most AC-45's are mis-matched.This example is from the 'A' block, three-digit serial #.The Germans used Letters to designate the manufactrer of the pistol 'ac' was the letter code for Walther. Mauser's code was 'byf', and the P-38's made by Spreewerk sport the letter code 'cyq'. Both Walther and Mauser followed their codes with the date of manufacture. Spreewerke did not date their pistols. The letter that follows the serial number is the 'block' number, each block represented 10,000 pistols, and the first block did not have a letter.
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So, this particular pistol was made in the second 'block', in February of 1945. The entire c & d blocks were assembled after the war by former employees of the Walther factory for G.I's, and almost none of these have matching serial numbers. (The Walther factory was captured in early April, 1945. Comments., 7 years agoWhat do you mean by 'AC-45'?., 7 years agoFor blunderbuss 2: The Germans used Letters to designate the manufactrer of the pistol 'ac' was the letter code for Walther. Mauser's code was 'byf', and the P-38's made by Spreewerk spoort the letter code 'cyq'. Both Walther and Mauser followed their codes with the date of manufacture.
Spreewerke did not date their pistols. The letter that follows the serial number is the 'block' number, each block represented 10,000 pistols, and the first block did not have a letter. So, this particular pistol was made in the second 'block', in February of 1945. The entire c & d blocks were assembled after the war by former employees of the Walther factory for G.I's, and almost none of these have matching serial numbers. (The Walther factory was captured in early April, 1945.Want to post a comment?or in order to post a comment.