Sherry Mod Resident Evil 6
Jake and Sherry use and for their explosives.Starting Gear Jake MullerWeaponClipAmmoLocation and NotesHand-to-Handn/aMeleeDefault. Jake's CQC techniques are similar to the knives carried by Chris and Leon, but require charge-up to do heavy damage.Nine-Oh-Nine15HandgunDefault. The 909 is a standard sidearm in the Resident Evil universe by 2013. It fires as quickly as you can pull the trigger, and is capable of more accurate shooting when fired with care.Sherry BirkinWeaponClipAmmoLocation and NotesStun Rodn/aMeleeDefault.
Jun 20, 2019 download here I did not find mods for sherry monitor so I made a new one for the new people that are playing this game. If you want to keep your head with its original colors just try to copy and paste the file uPl05SherryMonitor.arc.
Icom usb driver for mac. Sherry's stun rod is like the knife, but can do multiple hits on the second strike (similar to the knife in Resident Evil Code Veronica). Like Jake, Sherry can 'charge-up' a melee attack to do more damage per hit.Triple Shot20HandgunDefault. A handgun capable of firing three-round bursts or single-shots.
Single shots are more efficient. The large magazine (20 rounds) is especially handy, allowing Sherry to carry a few rounds more in the gun, rather in an inventory slot.Weapons found in Jake's and Sherry's CampaignWeaponClipAmmoLocation and NotesElephant Killer5MagnumChapter 1. In the large room where you fight the Ustanak the first time (the one with all the red explosive barrels), there is a storage room on the second floor with this weapon.
You can easily get it before activating the fight (by team-using the exit).Sniper Rifle6RifleChapter 2. After starting the level, you drop down two levels to start your search for the missing data drives. The weapon is near the bench with the tarp, after those two drops.Bear Commander30 / 1Assault R./GrenadesChapter 3. In the large room with the rotating Buddha statue, locate 16 medallions (grab at least 8 from enemies before picking up the preset medals) and inserting them into the slot to raise the northern gate. Note that this weapon can fire both Assault Rifle ammo and 40mm Grenade Rounds.Shotgun8ShotgunChapter 4. After passing through the small courtyard, you use a team-door to upstairs to a balcony. Before you initiate the steps to get down to the street from the balcony, there is a shotgun nearby waiting to be taken.