Php Check If Column Exists Mysql
Nov 29, 2017 Since mysql control statements (e.g. “IF”) only work in stored procedures, a temporary one can be created and executed: DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS addversiontoactor; DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=CURRENTUSER PROCEDURE addversiontoactor ( ) BEGIN DECLARE colName TEXT; SELECT columnname INTO colName FROM informationschema.columns. Check if Mysql table exists using Php? At times we want to find if a tables exists in a database.The snippet below shows how this can be done. It open a db connection or reuse an already db connection, then selects the given database and finally executes a sql to find out whether the table exists or not.
Sync itunes to android. You can use this solution, already mentioned on another StackOverFlow post:(Ref.: )MySQL - ALTER TABLE to add a column if it does not exist: SET @dbname = DATABASE;SET @tablename = 'tableName';SET @columnname = 'colName';SET @preparedStatement = (SELECT IF((SELECT COUNT(.) FROM INFORMATIONSCHEMA.COLUMNSWHERE(tablename = @tablename)AND (tableschema = @dbname)AND (columnname = @columnname)) 0,'SELECT 1',CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', @tablename, ' ADD ', @columnname, ' INT(11);')));PREPARE alterIfNotExists FROM @preparedStatement;EXECUTE alterIfNotExists;DEALLOCATE PREPARE alterIfNotExists.