Project Management Meredith 8th Edition Manual
The author of the reading states that the profession of theproject manager is termed as an accidental profession by many otherauthors because the place of a project manager is not in theorganizational hierarchy, he is not fully a part of organizationbut just attached to it because of his position in a project.The profession is specifically made in an organizationalhierarchy because of the needs of the projects. Even after theorigin of this accidental profession, there is no specificprocedure for the selection or training of project managers. Mostof the project managers are expected to fall within the budget andtimeline and if they fail, they lose the job. The guidelines that can help the project manager in his andproject’s success, in a systematic order are given below:1) Understanding the need of all the stakeholders of theproject.
A project manager cannot succeed in the project if he doesnot know the goals that he is expected to achieve. It must come upwith who can directly or indirectly influence the project.2) Once the basic goals of the project are understood theproject manager should try to understand the context of managementthat will be required in the respective project.
The manager mustanswer himself as in why and how the project should be managed andwhat it means to manage the project. 3) The next thing that a project manager should keep in his mindis that plan is the basic step of every project.
Everything can beachieved if proper planning is done for the thing.4) Project goals are achieved by a whole team, thus the nextthing on which a project manager should focus on is building anefficient team. A responsive as well as strong team with a solidcommunication is always an advantage for the project.5) Once the team is formed, leading the team to the desireddirection is also important. The project manager should lead histeam from the front.
Tools and Techniques for the Practicing Project Manager Russ J. Martinelli, Dragan Z. Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 8th ed. REVICSoftware Cost Estimating Model User's Manual, Version 9.0 (Arlington, VA:.
The manager must be the first person to askand answer the relevant questions.6) After all this, the manager should try to understand andaccept the political nature of the organization in getting its workdone. It has to be diplomatic when asking for the resources.7) The next thing a project manager should do is remember whathe was trying to achieve. It must stick to the scope and must avoidany deviations that could burden with the existing budget of theproject. 8) He should-should try to distribute accurate time for each andevery step, so that important time is not wasted. It must track thetime in order to seek some help from good time managementtools.9) Along with this, the project manager should also understandthat enthusiasm is good for the team but despair is also very badand can cause serious issues in the workplace or amongemployees.10) The project manager should understand that where a teamworks, there are many chances of conflicts arising in suchsituations. The manager should look for any existing or evolvingconflicts between the team workers.11) As it is aid looking forward is better than looking back.The project manager should make sure that he sees the futurebeforehand so that he can prepare the project to face or enjoyunfavorable or favorable situations respectively.12) The project manager should always understand the definitionof success, as it may vary from one person to another.
This willhelp the manager to decide what and when he reaches the phase ofsuccess. Why is Chegg Study better than downloaded Project Management 8th Edition PDF solution manuals?It's easier to figure out tough problems faster using Chegg Study. Unlike static PDF Project Management 8th Edition solution manuals or printed answer keys, our experts show you how to solve each problem step-by-step. No need to wait for office hours or assignments to be graded to find out where you took a wrong turn. You can check your reasoning as you tackle a problem using our interactive solutions viewer.
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